How Panama Jack Helped Manage Mine, The Sickle Cell Foundation of Central Alabama's 12th Annual Gala with Celebrity Host Rickey Smiley, Amerikkka: Classified Information on Homeland Terroism Preparedness Bill Presented by Rep John Haller. Based on your answers, the quiz will be able to tell you which orisha is your guide. Zikoko Ships is a Zikoko Original series where we invite two people who share a relationship to play the Zikoko card games. This is reflected in Olokun being confined to the ocean floor by seven chains. Are you all set for marriage, or are you still figuring it out? You can also look for clues in your family history or in your dreams. Find a way to make the storm go away. Naira Life tells the story of money. She is also an orisha of mystery, as reflected in her waters. As the Orisha of change, She brings down the dead wood to make room for the new, and She uses Her machete or sword to clear a path for new growth. Sacred to Her are peacocks, with their beautiful blue-green iridescence, and ducks. The Orisha often communicate with us through our dreams. An Orisha is a spirit that reflects one of the manifestations of God. There are a few things you can do to try to find them. Which Yoruba God Best Matches Your Personality? The third is through direct possession, but even this must be confirmed with divination. While youre quick to point the accusing finger, remember that tribalism exists in different forms. Go ahead: The fourth season of Big Brother Naija came to an end over a month ago, but the conversation surrounding the housemates is far from over. Orisha Ifa Daily Wisdom Amazon Com Appstore For Android. Meditation: The Year of The Grind Revisited, Meditation Monday: How to Recover Your Equilibrium After Sudden Death, Meditation Monday: A Decree of Virtue for the New Millennial Woman, LIfe: Old School Love vs New Millennial Love. Oya, who is an Orisha of a very fiery demeanor, also seems to have a far-flung connection with the Celtic Bride or Bridgit, both in Her Vodou counterpart Maman Brijit, and in Her associated Catholic saint, Our Lady of La Candelaria, whose feast day, February 2nd, is shared with Bride. The group was first called "Amenaza", "threat" or "menace" in Spanish, and appealed to the . Thank you in advance! After you have completed the quiz, you will likely be given a brief description of the orisha that you are connected to. Isolation Diary is a Zikoko series that showcases what isolation is like for one young Nigerian working from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic. This video serves as advice and a warning so that you dont misconstrue your own life path thinking that you are an energy that you may not be, when you might have the energy of a different Orisha, which is more attuned to your life path. This made her the ideal wife before being tricked by her sister Oya into trying to ensnare Shango with witchcraft. She can manifest as winds ranging from the gentlest breeze to the raging hurricane or cyclone. QUIZ: Can You Identify These Popular Cartoon Villains From Their Pictures. Meditation Monday & The Ma'at: Getting in Touch With Your Inner Deity To Achieve Supreme Living, Inner Peace and Success! Meditation: Creating A Mentality of Greatness! -You may feel a physical or emotional response when you are near objects or places associated with the orisha. Take []. and joyful content for young Africans and the world. (The religion was long known as Shango in Trinidad, but many worshipers now prefer the name Orisha. Thanksgiving Dinner as a New Divorce- There's ALWAYS Something to be Thankful for! Snails, particularly large African land snails, or igbin, are a delicacy of Obatala. This in my [], Blessed Imbolc! The ruling planet of this house is Mars, which is also the Roman God of war. Given below is amazing how to find my Orisha quiz that will tell which orisha represents your personality. Why Are Leprechauns Associated with Saint Patricks Day? RESPECT. You can also find these quizzes in books about Santeria or in magazines that focus on African spirituality. QUIZ: Can You Match These States to Their Geo-Political Zones in 3 Minutes? Jupiter, the king of the gods within the Roman pantheon is also the ruling planet of this house. The head is symbolic of intelligence, higher education, and deeper understanding, all which the ninth house represents. Yemaya is the spiritual mother of all, maternal, dignified, and nurturing. He is the patron of hunters, even though Osain has retired from hunting. Yemaya is the Yorb Orisha or Goddess of the living Ocean, considered the mother of all. Finally, we can ask the Orisha directly. Web There are two times when you can find out who your guardian orisha is. 0. One may choose to meditate, pray, collect crystals, perform rituals, []. They can often help us to understand who our Orisha parents are. = '100%'; Oya is the powerful Yorb Orisha of the winds and tempests. Like Oshun, She is worshipped not only in Africa but in Brazil, where the Amazon is said to be Her river, and where She is equated with the Virgin Mary as Our Lady of La Candelaria. As a result, Orunla is aware of each souls final fate, which is an important aspect of Santeria practice. Since his transcendent mixtape, Outside, the afro-fusion star has refused to get his foot of our necks dropping a string of fantastic singles and then capping it all off with his career-best album, African Giant. Take this quiz to find out which of the Yoruba Orishas you the most similar to!! Come to JESUS. She is a commanding orisha who is responsible for windstorms and electrocution. Some things are limited to explain in written language. MY PATREON TEAM for private live-streams, private lessons, recipes, money and love hacks, and a 15 minute consultation! Spend Some Time With God! Every conversation and exchange of words. She is the goddess of transitions and transformations. Which Goddess resonants With you? JESUS saves. Oshun maybe familar by default.. Alternate spellings: Yemanja, Yemoj, Yemonja, Yemalla, Yemana, Ymoja, Iamanje, Iemonja, Imanje, Epithets: Achabba, in Her strict aspect; Oqqutte in Her violent aspect: Atarmagwa, the wealthy queen of the sea; Olokun or Olokum as Goddess of dreams. For years, Nigeria has faced a decline in voter turnout. He also keeps an eye out for the house. Which Orisha do you most resemble. Say Hello to our Art Contributor: Lindsey Christina! Liquor is never offered and is a strict taboo for Obatala. Donec efficitur mollis dui vel pharetra. These quizzes can be establish online, and they volition ask you a series of questions about your personality, your preferences, and your behavior. Easy. MLK: Top 10 MLK Quotes of Equality, Action, Uprightness and Perseverance, Millennial Opinion Piece: Why Black Millennials Should Consider Starting a Kwanzaa Tradition. Everyone has a personal Orisha that is attached to us to help us accomplished our task on earth but the level of attachment differs. What would you do if I told you I needed to bury a body? Her hues are red, green, yellow, coral, amber, and violet, and she may be represented by a peacock feather, fan, mirror, or boat.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'scuffedentertainment_com-box-4','ezslot_8',151,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-scuffedentertainment_com-box-4-0'); Oya is the god of the dead and is associated with ancestors, graves, and the wind. Beef. How to Find Out Your Guardian Orisha the Proper Way!JOIN MY PATREON TEAM for private live-streams, private lessons, recipes, money and love hacks, and a 15 minute consultation! was created because I see so many going around attesting that they are a child of a particular Orisha, but have not had an official proper ceremony done to determine who their Head Orisha is. She embodies the tornadoes and twisters that uproot trees and houses with her destructive winds. Fall in love with a police officer and then tell him to go find the person who stole your wallet! Hacked is an interesting new series by Zikoko made up of fictional but hilarious chat conversations. You would also be responsible for helping to keep her alive in the hearts and minds of her people. 2016: New Year's Fitness Resolutions! She is invoked for fertility, especially after chronic miscarriages. This elevated him to the status of Orisha. Usually the godparent will use the shells of Elegba or the orisha they are initiated to and will sometimes ask another priest or priestess to do the reading for neutrality. Orishas (band) - Orishas are a Cuban hip hop group from Havana, Cuba, founded in 1999. "Hand's Up" BLACK LIVES MATTER: THE CYPHER, Benefits of Starting Your Monday With Meditation!! The number seven is Hers, also for the seven seas. Oshun is the Yorb Orisha (Deity) of the sweet or fresh waters (as opposed to the salt waters of Yemaya). Yes, There Are Spirits That Spy On Us, Spiritual Drama: How Deception Plays a Role in Spirituality. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The eleventh house of the Zodiac is ruled by the planet Uranus and the sign Aquarius. . The results of this quiz are not guaranteed or implied to be accurate. -You may feel a sudden, intense connection to a particular orisha. Personality Quiz. QUIZ: How Well Do You Know The Notable Women in Nigerias History? If you are still unsure about which orisha is your guide, you can always consult with a priest or other spiritual leader who can help you to interpret the results of the quiz. He is represented by the Ifa table, the most complicated divination method employed by educated Santeria priests. In Beyonce's Lemonade video, Beyonce so beautifully drops visual hints of her. What has this problem cost us so far? We continually misconstrue, misinterpret and misdirect each other's points of view.. A Haven for Millennial's of the African Diaspora, Meditation: Setting Your Mentality for 2017, MEDITATION: Stress Relief Through Meditative Yoga, Vibrations & Meditation: How to Physically Manifest your Day Dreams. How much money would really go well with your personality? I am a huge fan of Greek mythology, magical topics , the use of the imagination and spiritual history but it is so baffling to me to look at books, websites or art work and the presence of African influence is there but never the actual visualization of the African individual. Although he used to resemble a human (as do other orishas), Osain has now lost an arm, leg, ear, and eye, with the remaining eye located in the middle of his head like a Cyclops. The devil has not authority here. Zikoko answers all your questions in this anonymous series. Below are 3 African Goddesses that were interesting to me. Designed by medical experts with top-quality materials for a difference you can feel. You just have to tell us a few things about yourself. To find out which Orich claims your head, you have to undergo one of two possible ceremonies: In iles (houses) that are Ifa-centric, Babalawos (Priests of Orula) use palm or cola nuts to draw out the Odu (sign or letter) that signals the owner of the person's head. Each system differs in how it determines your head Orisha. As Yemanja Afodo, also of Brazil, She protects boats travelling on the sea and grants safe passage. Deactivating Eskridge Prt 3: Seperation Anxiety- I LOVE MY IN-LAWSor EX in-laws.. Life: Deactivating Eskridge Prt 2- Using My Tears For Cleansing, Clarity, & Transformation! So let's have some fun and share with friends and family! Meditation Monday: Increased Brain Functionality From Meditation! By the power of the Holy Ghost, i command fire to destroy you in Jesus name. She is also a warrior, frequently shown as donning clothes or even a beard to fight alongside Chango. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. = 'block'; ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. QUIZ: How Much Money Actually Fits Your Personality? In the Yoruba religion, the seven powerful orisha are thought to bring about miracles and change a person's life. He therefore became known as the owner of heads. Web Given below is amazing how to find my Orisha quiz that will tell which orisha represents your personality. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Assorted. These are all aspects the Orisha of wisdom, knowledge, and divination Orunmila reflects. Web The orishas are equated with a variety of Catholic saints. Most rituals and consecrations to the Orishas in Santeria require initiation, however, to pay homage or talk to the Orishas, just look around you, their energy is out there, it is everywhere. She is said to be able to cure infertility in women, and cowrie shells represent Her wealth. Impromptu Interview: American Idol Sensation- Bria Anai! These women then take new names in honor of Oshun and are thereafter consulted as healers. 2Chainz Drops New Project 'Rap Or Go To The League', featuring ClarkBoy track 'Sam', G.I. This quiz has not been published by Sporcle, Open a modal to take you to registration information, Button that open a modal to initiate a challenge. Say Hello to our Spiritual Wellness Contributor: Alex Reynolds! Trivia Quiz. The ninth house is the house of philosophy and is ruled by the philosopher Sagittarius. These quizzes can be found online, and they will ask you a series of questions about your personality, your preferences, and your beliefs. Oshun is the orisha of love, beauty, and fertility. This quiz knows the truth. Her patron saints are Our Lady of Candlemas, St. Teresa, and Our Lady of Mount Carmel. There is always the other partthe part of the natural force that can be explored but never completely known, the aspect of nature that will always remain wild and escape definition. He is usually depicted as an elderly man with white hair and skin. Mid-Week Meditation: How to Cultivate The Year of the Grind into Your Lifestyle!! Quisque iaculis facilisis lacinia. Earlier this month, we gave yall this quiz and you ate it. Web Yemaya Yemaya is the orisha of the oceans and lakes as well as the patron of women and motherhood. . They can live for thousands of years, and some say they are even immortal. Finally you can ask the Orishas themselves for help in finding your parents. "-Lisa Maria Roseti Make sure Like, Share and Comment!! var ins = document.createElement('ins'); Like the blacksmith molding his creations to perfection, the first house deals with molding the inner and outward Self, realizing your highest potential. So, it is important to be open to the possibility that our Orisha parents may be different from our biological parents. Osain, in contrast to many mythologies that depict nature gods as wild and untamed, is a distinctively rational person. Say Hello to Our Child Development & Mental Health Freelancer: Lauren Packer, Say Hello to Our Culture, & Black Men's Mental Health Contributor: Aaron (Ace Boogie) SMITH. The peacock and the vulture are sacred to Her. Yemay's children are willful, fighters, strong and determined. My LCP ladies chime in.. Oshuns presented as an attractive young woman widely loved for providing protection and relief for the poor and the sick. She is equated with the Vodou Lwa MamanBrijit , Who, like Oya, guards graveyards. To save the parched planet, Oshun changed into a peacock and ascended to the realm of Olodumare to beg his pardon. Mauris euismod pellentesque tellus sit amet mollis. Life & Relationships: Exes- Dangers of Communicating with the Past, Plagiarism: Modern Day Love & Relationships. The aspects within this house deal with how you manifest your individual role within society and your work place. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); Now, we are giving something similar, but this time, were going outside the continent. The Yoruba people consider twins to be sacred. QUIZ: How Many Of The Top 50 Nollywood Movies Have You Seen? Yemaya rules over the surface of the ocean, where life is concentrated. In the Yoruba religion, there is one main creator god known as Olodumare. "A Goddess is a woman who breaks the moldShe is who she wants to be and she offers no apologies. Can I Eat Eggs Over Medium While Pregnant? Let's begin then. Taurus is the ruling sign of the second house, which is the house of possessions. The quiz below is a quiz designed to help you see just how much you know about them and what people believe about them. Also known as the Wrath of the supreme god, Babal-Ays job is to punish individuals for their transgressions. QUIZ: Which Housemate From BBNaija 2019 Is Your Soulmate? With the African diaspora, Oshun was brought to the Americas, and adopted into the pantheons that branched out of the African traditions. Subscribe for new blog posts notifications. This represents the vastness of her motherhood. = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; . Meditation: Take a Break from Adulthood & Reconnect with Childhood! This is a place where you can go to connect with them and receive their guidance. Do you know the geo-political zones of all the states in Nigeria? Web i list all the questions required to find out your orisha.. Fashion Culture: Jefferson Ralpheal Menswear Recap! As Orisha of love, Oshun is represented as a beautiful, charming and coquettish young woman. Embracing Spirituality is a loving community of metaphysical and spiritual study and discussions, led by spiritualist, metaphysician, and traditionalist Obara Meji. While battling with her own demons she continues to be the voice for others unable to speak out. Once you are assigned your orishas, you are given beaded necklaces or elekes with the colors for those orishas. Also, you will find out which Orisha are you in this quiz. 5. This is the house of transformation, regeneration, death, sex, and rebirth. In parts of Brazil She is honored as the ocean Goddess at the summer solstice, while in the north east of the country Her festival is held on February 2nd (a day that is also associated with Her daughter Oya, as well as being the feast day of the Celtic Bride ), with offerings of blue and white flowers cast into the Sea. Who founded Ife, the first city of Yoruba? As all life is thought to have begun in the sea, all life is held to have begun with Yemaya. Meditation Monday: New Millennial Kings'- Mental Preparation! QUIZ: Sorry, If Youre Under 25 Theres No Way You Can Pass []. Life: Loving & Bonding With Our Mothers Beyond The Years of Our Youth, LIFE PERSPECTIVE WHILE ON YOUR GRIND: Appreciation Cultivates Humility, Meditation Monday: How to Handle the Weight of Success and Failure Through Meditation, Meditation Monday: 3 Easy Tips to Build Self- Confidence Through Meditation, Meditation Monday: Honing in on Your New Year's Resolutions. The ruling planet Venus is also the Roman goddess of love, whose Orisha equivalent is Oshun. Check out The Gnostic Dreads complete recommended reading list! Trivia Quiz: What do you know about Shinto Gods? If you are seeking to connect with your orisha, there are several things you can do. Olokuns aspects are therefore expressed within the astral, the subconscious, and altered states of consciousness that is experienced during meditation, initiation, and spirit possession. One Love. Which Orisha do you most resemble. It is ruled by the planet Mercury, the messenger of the gods within the Roman pantheon. 2019 is certainly Burna Boys year, but, if we are being honest, so was 2018. What happens when a group of chatty young Nigerians talk about things they're passionate about? Ibeji also represents duality and balance; the yin and the yang found within all life. Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Ori Orisha ~ Know Your Personal Orisha (5357 Views), 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched / Money Orisha ~ Money Charm ~ Money Spells / Osun Orisha ~ Learn How To Worship The Goddess (2) (3) (4), Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] / 5 Things Christmas Should Always Remind Us Of / Native Doctors, Occultic Men Now Operate As Pastors, Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). Pronunciation of oya orisha with 2 audio pronunciations. Oshun is also said to be the mother of the birds or fishes. She is associated with the mermaid-spirits of Lasirenn (Herself a form of Erzulie) Who brings seduction and wealth, and Labalenn, Her sister the whale. Questions and Answers 1. This is a very special and sacred relationship, so its important to take it seriously. STEM Entrance Exam Quiz: Can you pass this Stem Exam? One Piece Quiz. Our Orisha are said to be the ones who watch over us and guide us through life, and it is said that it is through them that we receive our destiny. She is also the one who can help you with your problems and guide you through your life.
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